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Gastroenterologist examining man in clinic.

Is It A Ventral Hernia?

A ventral hernia is sometimes referred to as an “incisional” hernia, meaning it forms at the site of a past surgical incision. This is true, but can be misleading since there are many other factors involved in why a ventral hernia occurs.  

The fundamental cause of a ventral hernia is a weakened abdominal wall where a bulge of tissues is able to push through, and it can happen anywhere in the abdomen

Here is some helpful information about the signs, risk factors, and seriousness of a ventral hernia.

Read More »Is It A Ventral Hernia?
woman holding stomach in pain.

Foods To Avoid If You Have IBS

If you are among the 15% of Americans suffering with IBS, no one has to tell you about the chronic symptoms. There’s the bloating effect, the gas effect, plus all the discomfort, and excessive trips to the bathroom.

Even if you haven’t been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but do experience these symptoms, you may want to pay attention to these foods and consider avoiding them.

Read More »Foods To Avoid If You Have IBS
Liver on a stand with a doctor.

What Are the Early Warning Signs of Liver Disease?

The third leading cause of preventable death in the United States is alcoholic liver disease. Unlike other types of diseases, warning signs that something is wrong with your liver are invisible in the early stages. Unfortunately, late-stage liver disease is complicated to treat. That is why it is beneficial to be aware of some very early signs. What are the early warning signs of liver disease?

Read More »What Are the Early Warning Signs of Liver Disease?

What Is the Recommended Diet for Diverticulitis?

Diverticulosis is an inflammatory condition where small pouches form on the inside of the large intestine or the colon. Among other things, if someone becomes constipated or strains during bowel movements, these pouches can become irritated. Then the condition turns more severe, and is known as diverticulitis. Once that happens, eating becomes more difficult. What is the recommended diet for diverticulitis?

Read More »What Is the Recommended Diet for Diverticulitis?

Do Hernia Symptoms Differ Between Men and Women?

Most physicians believe you have a greater chance of getting a hernia as you get older. This is true for both men and women. Hernias are weak places in muscle walls that allow internal organs to protrude. They don’t heal on their own and must be surgically repaired. However, becoming aware you have one can differ between the sexes. Do hernia symptoms differ between men and women?

Read More »Do Hernia Symptoms Differ Between Men and Women?

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Digestive Health Services, SC is a gastroenterology practice with four board certified and highly trained physicians.