Heartburn Treatment in Downers Grove, IL
Occasional heartburn is common in adults and should not cause alarm. Heartburn is caused by an irritation in the esophagus by stomach acid. Despite its name, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. Seeking medical care for heartburn should be considered when heartburn is more frequent and interferes with a person’s daily life.
At Digestive Health Services, our board-certified gastroenterologists in Downers Grove specialize in helping you discover the best treatment for your heartburn. They will take the time to provide you with a comprehensive diagnosis to determine the best treatment for you and your lifestyle. For more information, contact our gastroenterology clinic in Downers Grove, IL at 630-434-9312 and schedule an appointment today!
Symptoms of Heartburn
A common symptom of heartburn is acid in the stomach that refluxes into the esophagus and causes pain. Symptoms of heartburn tend to be more prevalent after large meals and this pain can worsen when lying down or bending over. Many people can mistake the burning sensation behind the sternum or breastbone as a symptom of a heart attack.
When to seek medical care:
- Heartburn occurring on a weekly basis
- Symptoms continue while taking over-the-counter medications
- Chest pain is experienced while laying down
- Experiencing acid fluid in the back of the throat that causes a burning sensation
- Difficulty swallowing
- Persistent nausea and vomiting
- Weight loss due to poor appetite or difficulty swallowing

Common Causes of Heartburn
Common foods we eat and drink can stimulate increased stomach acid resulting in heartburn. Examples of foods and drinks that can cause heartburn are:
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Aspirin
- Ibuprofen
- Naproxen
- Carbonated drinks
- Acidic Juices (citrus drinks, pineapple juice and apple juice)
- Acidic Foods (tomatoes, chocolate, grains and sugar)
Treating Heartburn in Downers Grove, Illinois
If you are experiencing the symptoms of heartburn, your gastroenterologist may suggest antacids for the treatment of the occasional heartburn. In more serious cases, stronger medications may be needed.
Your physician may also suggest lifestyle changes that may help ease your heartburn symptoms, such as:
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Avoiding foods that trigger your heartburn
- Avoiding smoking
- Avoiding lying down after your meal
Schedule an Appointment for Frequent Heartburn Treatment
If you are suffering from heartburn, call Digestive Health Services at (630) 434-9312 for more information or to request an appointment today.