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Cirrhosis Treatment in Downers Grove, IL

According to Mayo Clinic, Cirrhosis is a liver disease that scars the liver, this occurs as hard scar tissue replaces soft healthy tissue. As this healthy tissue deteriorates, the liver worsens until it fails completely. However, there are several treatment options that exist to prevent such severe liver failure.

At Digestive Health Services, our board-certified gastroenterologists specialize in providing comprehensive care for patients suffering from liver diseases such as cirrhosis in Downers Grove, IL. They will take the time to provide you with a comprehensive diagnosis and answer any questions you may about this disease, our liver disease clinic will use all diagnostic test to determine the best treatment option for you. For more information, contact our office at 630-434-9312 and schedule an appointment today!


NHS states in their article about Cirrhosis of the liver, that is liver disease is caused by damage of the liver that occurs over an extended period of time. There are several common causes of cirrhosis of the liver including:

  • Chronic Viral Hepatitis
  • Chronic Alcoholism
  • Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  • Genetic Diseases such as Wilson disease, glycogen storage disease, Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, hemochromatosis, and autoimmune hepatitis
  • Bile Duct Disease
  • Medication
  • Infection
  • Cystic Fibrosis


There are several symptoms and complications associated with cirrhosis of the liver. This serious disease causes many unpleasant effects such as:

  • Weight loss
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Tiredness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Severe itching
  • Spider-like blood vessels
  • Bruising or bleeding easily

Other conditions associated with or related to cirrhosis of the liver include:

  • Jaundice
  • Portal Hypertension
  • Edema
  • Ascites
  • Splenomegaly
  • Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE)
  • Gallstones


Many treatment options exist for conditions related to cirrhosis of the liver. Infections are often treated using general antibiotics, and some conditions may not even require any medication at all but rather a change in lifestyle like a revised dietary plan that reduces sodium in order to prevent fluid buildup in the body that can cause ascites.

When dealing with early signs of cirrhosis, it may be possible to reduce damage to the liver with preventative measures. This usually refers to treating causes associated with cirrhosis such as treatment for alcohol dependency, weight loss, hepatitis, or other common causes.

Due to the many conditions and complications associated with cirrhosis of the liver, there is an almost overwhelming amount of choices to make when it comes to treatment. Unfortunately, few other treatment options exist for cirrhosis of the liver that has progressed beyond the point of prevention. These advanced forms of cirrhosis of the liver require more immediate action such as a liver transplant.

Schedule an Appointment for Cirrhosis Treatment in Downers Grove, IL

Digestive Health Specialists are available to help you if you suffer from cirrhosis. Modern, cutting-edge technology, is now available in Chicago! Call our office today at 630-434-9312 to schedule an appointment.

Request an Appointment Today!

Digestive Health Services, SC is a gastroenterology practice with four board certified and highly trained physicians.