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Gastroenterologist examining man in clinic.

Is It A Ventral Hernia?

A ventral hernia is sometimes referred to as an “incisional” hernia, meaning it forms at the site of a past surgical incision. This is true, but can be misleading since there are many other factors involved in why a ventral hernia occurs.  

The fundamental cause of a ventral hernia is a weakened abdominal wall where a bulge of tissues is able to push through, and it can happen anywhere in the abdomen

Here is some helpful information about the signs, risk factors, and seriousness of a ventral hernia.

Read More »Is It A Ventral Hernia?

8 Silent Signs You Have A Hernia

Most of us think of a hernia as a visible bulge in the abdomen. This is certainly true, but there are other symptoms of a hernia that can present as something entirely different. Be cautious, and don’t ignore them or self-diagnose thinking your symptoms are insignificant.

Some untreated hernias can be quite dangerous. Let’s look at 8 silent signs you may have a hernia.

Read More »8 Silent Signs You Have A Hernia

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Digestive Health Services, SC is a gastroenterology practice with four board certified and highly trained physicians.