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How to Relieve GERD Without Medication

Besides having a terrible nightmare, the next worst wake up is from acid coming up from your stomach into your mouth during the night. This is known as GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. If this wake up happens to you at least twice a week, you probably are suffering from GERD. Maybe you keep over-the-counter medications on hand, but let’s explore how to relieve GERD without medication.

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How Exercising Can Relieve Your Acid Reflux

If you frequently suffer from acid reflux, you already know all about the uncomfortable pains and burning sensations in your chest that come with this common condition. These symptoms normally occur when you consume something that you know will bring them on, yet you proceed to scarf down that delicious food, deciding you will deal with the consequences later.

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How is GERD Related to Esophageal Cancer?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, abbreviated as GERD, is a common condition that involves stomach acid frequently flowing up into the esophagus. GERD can also cause other related conditions, such as Barrett’s esophagus, which is a condition that results in healthy esophageal tissue to become damaged to the point where it more closely resembles tissue of the intestine.

Read More »How is GERD Related to Esophageal Cancer?

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Digestive Health Services, SC is a gastroenterology practice with four board certified and highly trained physicians.