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Digestive Health Services

Be Proactive During National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

“I am really looking forward to my colonoscopy,” said no one ever.Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Let’s face it; a colonoscopy ranks right up there with a root canal for least favorite necessary evil. The good news is that some of the prep has improved in the last few years, and there are new less invasive screenings available. If caught early enough, colorectal cancer can be treated and cured.

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Have Digestive Issues? Tips for Eating During the Holidays

The holiday season is the time of the year to spend time with your family and food is often a huge role in our holiday traditions. When it comes to holiday foods, it may be hard to navigate what you can and cannot eat if you are Woman with stomachachesuffering from a digestive disease such as IBS or Crohn’s Disease. If your digestive issues are severe enough, this may cause issues in accepting party invitations or even consider eating while attending these parties.

Read More »Have Digestive Issues? Tips for Eating During the Holidays

Digestive Health Services is Proud to Announce

It is a great pleasure to introduce GI Partners of Illinois, LLC to our many patients and referring physicians throughout the Chicagoland area. Multiple gastroenterology practices have united to form one of the largest gastroenterology specialty groups in the state, with many more groups committed to joining us in the near future. In partnering with the top gastroenterologists in the area, we have achieved our goal of providing the best possible care for our patients, in the most cost-effective manner.

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Adolescent Obesity May Increase Colorectal Cancer Risk

Childhood obesity rates in the United States are reaching all-time-high levels. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that approximately 17 percent of children in the US are obese. This equates to 12.7 million children and adolescents. A recent study has found that childhood obesity is linked to an increased risk of developing colon cancer in adulthood.

Read More »Adolescent Obesity May Increase Colorectal Cancer Risk

Colorectal Cancer Increasing in Younger People

Colorectal cancer is something that is typically thought to be an issue that only people aged 50 or older should worry about. While there has been a drop in the rate of new colon and rectal cancer diagnoses in those aged 50+, incidence rates are increasing for those under 50. Traditionally, routine colonoscopies are scheduled after the age of 50, but screening standards may soon change.

Read More »Colorectal Cancer Increasing in Younger People

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Digestive Health Services, SC is a gastroenterology practice with four board certified and highly trained physicians.