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Digestive Health Services

Knowing the Difference Between Symptoms of IBS and Colon Cancer

Knowing the difference between symptoms of IBS and colon cancer might save someone from a lot of anxiety, and more importantly, give them a longer life to enjoy. If you are having some unusual changes to your bowel habits, review these differences and then follow up by making an appointment with Digestive Health Services.

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7 Lifestyle Habits That Can Improve Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease

When someone gets a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease, all they remember at first is that there is no cure. They imagine living with the uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing symptoms for the rest of their lives. However, it’s important to remember that the best thing to do is to educate yourself about what will cause flares and how to avoid them. There are multiple ways to mitigate symptoms including these 7 lifestyle habits that can improve symptoms of Crohn’s disease.

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10 Specific Stomach Pains That Require Further Treatment

We have all had our share of nasty stomach pains after overeating, eating undercooked food, or eating something that has spoiled. We recognize and suffer the consequences, and maybe we pop a couple of antacid pills and move on.  At other times our stomach pain can be a more serious situation, like these 10 specific stomach pains that require further treatment.

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What Your Stool Color Says About Your Health

We all want to be those people, right? The ones who maintain the perfect diet and have the most consistent bowel movement schedule, never having to worry about anything going wrong. While it’s ideal, it’s certainly the exception to the rule. But, that doesn’t mean that you should always have abnormal stool!

If you’re seeing different abnormal colors, here are some potential causes.

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How Exercising Can Relieve Your Acid Reflux

If you frequently suffer from acid reflux, you already know all about the uncomfortable pains and burning sensations in your chest that come with this common condition. These symptoms normally occur when you consume something that you know will bring them on, yet you proceed to scarf down that delicious food, deciding you will deal with the consequences later.

Read More »How Exercising Can Relieve Your Acid Reflux

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Digestive Health Services, SC is a gastroenterology practice with four board certified and highly trained physicians.