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Digestive Health Services

8 Silent Signs You Have A Hernia

Most of us think of a hernia as a visible bulge in the abdomen. This is certainly true, but there are other symptoms of a hernia that can present as something entirely different. Be cautious, and don’t ignore them or self-diagnose thinking your symptoms are insignificant.

Some untreated hernias can be quite dangerous. Let’s look at 8 silent signs you may have a hernia.

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When To See A Gastroenterologist For Frequent Nausea

If you are pregnant or know you have eaten some spoiled food, you’re not surprised if you throw up. When there doesn’t seem to be any logical reason for your nausea and vomiting, seeing a specialist is a wise next step. This is especially true if it continues for more than a couple of weeks. This is a prime example when to see a gastroenterologist for frequent nausea.

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IBD: Navigating Holiday Dinners

There are those who dread holiday dinners because they are trying to lose weight and know they will overindulge. Others can’t wait until the holidays so they can “pig out. Then there are those who live with IBD and stress as the holidays approach, as there are so many situations, decisions, and personal interactions that can possibly cause friction or embarrassment. Fortunately, there are ways to navigate holiday dinners when you have IBD.

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Ulcerative Colitis And Colon Cancer

Do Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis increase risk of cancer? The short answer is yes. If you have ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease involving the colon, you are at a higher risk for developing colon cancer. However, the majority of people with these two conditions may never develop colon cancer. Keep reading to find out how to reduce your risk factors.

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Signs You Need A Gastroenterologist

Our digestive system is made up of several components and organs. They include the esophagus, stomach, colon, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine, and the anus. When something doesn’t work right or there is an issue within your digestive tract, you will know pretty quick. There will be symptoms you cannot ignore. The best person to diagnose the problem is a specialist known as a gastroenterologist, and here are some of the signs you need a gastroenterologist.

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Digestive Health Services, SC is a gastroenterology practice with four board certified and highly trained physicians.